Keeping your features private/downstreamed vs upstreaming. From a vendor's perspective.
A rant triggered by a talk by Roy Osherove at GOTO 2022.
Comparing macOS, Windows & Linux as an opinioned power user and developer.
Integrating OpenWebUI with Tailscale's authenticating reverse proxy.
Preventing node_exporter from exposing itself to the public. Systemd Unit ignoring a variable in an overwrite. Going through Arch Linux packages.
Discover how to create eye-catching presentations in just 5 minutes using your favorite text editor and a couple of CLI tools.
There is a rabbit hole of packages that search won't show you.
My first experience consulting a company. It's very different from being a lead or a CTO.
A common practice I was confused by. Turns out :before & :after are free real estate, two extra stylable elements with no need for extra HTML. My journey creating a theme switch for ejiek.id
A couple of trick to make .ssh/config a bit more cozy
Me being stuck with a Mac
A short story of a Pulseaudio user
Work from home network hardening
Thoughts about the game in general and linux specific
My struggle with getting Pi4 to work
The great beginning of posts ranging from useful to absolutely not
What do we need to build a phone friendly OS. Diving into AUR. Building Phosh.
Early bird's point of view on getting Arch Linux running on a PinePhone. It boots and it's easier than ever before!
Setting an adaptive git configuration to suite all of your identities with nothing but git itself.